For those struggling with addiction, whether you have been struggling for a decade or have just realized that you’re dependent on a drug, you will need focused and structured treatment that manages to be customized to your needs and altered comprehensively throughout. After you rid yourself of denial, you will enroll in our drug rehab center and go to our drug detox clinic for withdrawal.
About CRB Recovery

We Are Your Key to Recovery
Dual Diagnosis
While your body goes through the process of ridding itself of the harmful chemicals that keep you dependent upon a drug, you will go through unpleasant side effects. To make sure this process goes as smoothly as possible, you will need to be supervised interminably as your progress is closely monitored. This way, we can make sure that your detox is as safe, comfortable, and efficient. Once you get through detox, you will be able to move on through the rest of your long-term treatment and therapy.
Group Therapy
Then, you will meet with a personal counselor at our addiction recovery facility who will work with you to create your personalized addiction treatment program and listen to you vent your problems while providing helpful solutions. This will also include screening for dual diagnosis mental health issues, and any necessary treatment. After getting started with one-on-one sessions, you will be able to move on to group therapy.
Aftercare Program
You will also meet with a group in meetings to help, support, and guide each other. Together, the group will listen to each other’s stories, exchange valuable advice, and provide adequate support and guidance. You will help each other overcome triggers, deal with cravings, and fight off temptation. The bonds you forge here may last a lifetime into aftercare and beyond.